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Botox and Dysport - Let’s Talk About Them

botox injections on a man


You’ve definitely heard of Botox, it’s an injection that makes you look younger, right? Sure, but that’s a super watered-down/cliffs notes description of what it actually is. Let’s get into it.

What is Botox and What is Dysport?

Botox is a brand name of botulinum toxin, which is a medication (yes, medication), that falls under the category of neuromodulators. There are 5 FDA approved botulinum toxin medications including Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Jeaveu and Daxxify. An analogy? Ibuprofen is a type of medication that falls under the category of NSAIDs with brand names that include Advil and Motrin. Neuromodulator medications are injected into target muscles to decrease contraction of the muscle (ie: relax the muscle) and are commonly referred to as wrinkle relaxers. They prevent you from being able to make certain facial expressions and movements that cause wrinkles, thus giving the skin a smoother appearance. Additionally, neuromodulators soften the appearance of static lines that have etched into the skin and can also prevent their formation in the first place. This is why starting before lines have a chance to settle into the skin is referred to as “preventative” and can be beneficial to starting earlier opposed to later. Neuromodulators can also be used to treat other areas of the face and body including overactive muscles that may contribute to TMJ dysfunction, a gummy smile, vertical lip lines, down-turned mouth, “orange peel” appearance of the chin and more. At Skin Design, we currently offer Botox and Dysport.  

Did you know? Botox was first approved for the treatment of strabismus (crossed eyes) in 1989. 

How much Botox or Dysport do I need?

No matter the brand, the dosing of neuromodulators is measured by unit, unlike filler which is dosed by mL. Every person is unique and may require a different amount of units (ie: dose) to achieve a desired result. However, to give you a general idea of units needed, on-label (recommended) dosing for Botox is 20 units in the frown lines, 20 units in the forehead and 12 units per eye to treat crow’s feet. The goal is to use enough units to achieve the desired aesthetic effect and for the treatment to last 3-4 months. 

How often do I need Botox or Dysport?

It does take some time for the medication to kick in and fully settle. With Dysport, we usually see a change at 2-3 days after treatment, Botox can take a bit longer at 4-5 days. We allow both medications 2-3 weeks to completely settle before admiring the final result. At this point, we will bring our new patients back in for evaluation and a touch up, if needed. We recommend retreatment around 3.5 months, but again, everyone is different. Some are happy with every 3 months, while some patients push to 4 or 5 months. This does not mean the treatment lasts them 5 months, but it’s the schedule that works for them. It is important to remember though that consistency is key! The more consistent you are with your treatments, the better subsequent treatments will look and last. 

Botox and Dysport both have reward programs, where you earn points for treatment and can redeem those points for money off subsequent treatments. The reward program for Botox is called Alle and for Dysport it’s Aspire. Both programs offer additional savings throughout the year including discounted Mother’s Day gift cards, Botox Day, Dysport Day and usually something around the holidays. 

Whether it’s Botox or Dysport, we love them both. Some patients feel the same and may switch between brands. Others are loyal to one brand. There is no right choice, just a choice that’s right for you. At Skin Design, we’ll help you make that choice, take out the guesswork and leave you feeling both confident and fabulous! 

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